Are you interested in collecting Kennedy half dollar errors and are curious whether these coins are worth anything?

From 2002 to 2021, the United States Mint did not produce Kennedy half dollars for circulation.

Only business strikes were produced at the Philadelphia and Denver mints and proofs at the San Francisco facility to satisfy collectors’ demands. The Mint sold these halves at a premium.

Collecting 2018 half dollar errors can be rewarding especially if you know what to look for.

But, as you will discover from our 2018 half dollar errors list, there aren’t that many error coins in the 2018 Kennedy half dollar series. This is not necessarily a bad thing; since they are so rare, 2018 half dollar errors can be worth a premium and will make an excellent addition to your collection.

So, let’s dive in and discover 2018 half dollar errors worth money.

1. 2018-S Kennedy Half Dollar Silver Ultra Cameo With Obverse Struck Through

2018-S Kennedy Half Dollar Silver Ultra Cameo With Obverse Struck Through

One of the few errors that have been discovered in the 2018 Kennedy half dollar series is the obverse struck through.

An obverse struck through error occurs when a stray object is struck between the dies and planchet. When this happens, the object, which can be anything from a speck of dust or debris to grease, leaves its impression on the coin’s surface. 

The value of an obverse struck through error mostly depends on how dramatic the impression is. If you find a coin with a large, dramatic struck-through, it is likely more valuable than one with a subtle struck through.

 A 2018-S Kennedy half dollar ultra-cameo graded MS69 with an obverse struck through error was sold for $90 at a 2021 online auction.

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2. 2018-P Half Dollar MS67 With Die Chip Error

2018-P Half Dollar MS67 With Die Chip Error

A die chip is a type of error that occurs due to wear and tear of the dies. Due to the immense pressure and heat during striking, the die might crack or break, leaving small holes that fill with metal.

When the die continues striking the coin, the metal-filled holes leave their impression on the coin’s surface.  The impressions are typically in the form of small raised bumps and smooth cracks.

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Like most errors, size matters when it comes to die chips—larger die chips are typically more valuable than smaller, subtle ones.

In 2019, a 2018-P half dollar graded MS67 with multiple die chip errors on the obverse and reverse was sold for $66.

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3. 2018-P Kennedy Half Dollar Doubled Die Obverse/Reverse Error MS69

A doubled die reverse error occurs when the die strikes the planchet at slightly different angles, resulting in overlapping on the devices and inscriptions. This can be due to the planchet shifting in the collar or a misalignment between the die and planchet.

Doubled die errors can occur on the obverse or reverse. The more intense the doubling, the more valuable the coin tends to be.

When collecting 2018 Kennedy half dollars, look for possible doubling on spots such as the top of Kennedy’s hair, nose and chin. On the reverse, like the obverse, doubling, when present, mostly appears on the inscriptions.

A 2018-P Kennedy half dollar graded MS69 was auctioned in 2020 for $35.


4. 2018-S Kennedy Half Dollar Error MS68 Misaligned Rotated Reverse

As the name suggests, a rotated reverse (or obverse) error results from a misalignment of the anvil and hammer dies.

This kind of misalignment can be due to technical problems in the minting hub or a human error. Whatever the cause, misalignment leads to the obverse design being slightly offset from the reverse or vice versa, when the coin is held in an upward position.

In the case of Kennedy half dollars with a rotated reverse, the eagle design on the reverse is inverted while Kennedy’s portrait on the obverse is in its normal upright position.

A 2018-S Kennedy with a grading of MS68 and a misaligned rotated error was sold for $125 at a 2019 auction.


5. 2018-D Kennedy Half Dollar Missing Clad Layer MS65 Error

Admittedly, 2018 Kennedy half dollars errors produced at the Denver are rare. If you come across one of these coins, it will likely be worth a premium.

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A missing clad layer is an interesting error which leaves one side of the coin with a nickel layer and the other with a copper layer.

This error occurs when the upper nickel layer doesn’t adhere properly to the copper core during the planchet preparation phase. Impurities or variations in the heating and cooling process can weaken the bond between the nickel layer and copper core, causing the layer to peel off.

As a result of the nickel peeling off, one side of the coin will have a nickel outer layer and the other side won’t, thereby exposing the copper core, resulting in the aptly named missing clad layer error.

In 2020, a collector paid $300 for a 2018-D half dollar graded MS65 with a missing clad layer error.

Also read: 13 Most Valuable Kennedy Half Dollar Worth Money


6. 2018-P Kennedy Half Dollar Off-Strike Error MS62

Collectors have discovered quite a number of 2018 Kennedy-P half dollars with an off-strike error. This is one of the easiest errors to come across when collecting 2018 half dollars.

An off-strike error occurs when the die strikes the planchet improperly, causing the design to be positioned away from the center and more toward the coin’s edge.

This error usually occurs when the planchet is not fully inserted and centered in the collar, leaving the die to strike only a small portion of the planchet.

Often, an off-center strike results in some of the design elements missing as they have been pushed toward the coin’s edge. 

A 2018-P Kennedy half dollar graded MS62 with an off-strike error was sold for $55.


7. 2018-D Kennedy Half Dollar MS65 Rim Cud Error

A rim cud error appears as a raised step along the edge of the coin. This error occurs when a piece of the die’s edge breaks off and is filled with metal.

When the broken die strikes the planchet it leaves an impression of the metal-filled broken edge, resulting in a rim-cud error. A cud is basically a raised bump on the coin’s surface that may or may not be linked to the rim.

A 2018-D half dollar graded MS65 with a rim cud error on the obverse sold for $128 at an eBay auction in 2020.


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8. 2018-S PR66 Kennedy Half Dollar Clipped Planchet Error

The clipped planchet is yet another rare error in the 2018 Kennedy half dollar series. This error can also be dramatic, making it highly desirable among collectors.

A clipped planchet error occurs at the point of making the planchet. Planchets are created by feeding a metal strip into a blanking machine which punches and cuts the metal strip into circular blanks.

After each punch, the metal strip is pushed more and more into the machine. Sometimes, the strip might be stuck or may slip and fail to move further in, causing the blanking punch to overlap with the previously punched hole, resulting in an incomplete planchet.

There are different types of clipped planchets depending on the angle at which the punching blank strikes the metal strip. Examples include a straight edge, curved, ragged, corner, double and triple clipped planchets.

Given how rare they are, 2018 Kennedy half dollars with a clipped planchet error can be worth a premium. In 2020, a 2018-P Kennedy half dollar graded PR66 with a clipped planchet error was auctioned for $515.

Also read: 11 Most Valuable Half Dollars In Circulation


9. 2018-D Kennedy Half Dollar MS62 Broadstruck Error

A broad struck or broad strike error is one in which the planchet is struck outside the collar i.e. the retaining ring that holds the planchet in place and establishes its diameter.

When struck outside the collar, the planchet will have a larger than usual diameter. But, the full design would still be retained unlike the case with off-center strikes.

A rare 2018-D Kennedy half dollar graded MS62 with a broad strike error was sold for $322 at a 2019 auction.

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10. 2018-P Half Dollar Over Mint Mark MS66 Error

An over mint-mark is a type of die error in which a single die is used to strike two different mint marks on the same coin. This may happen sometimes, for example if there is a shortage of dies in one minting facility and the mint decides to reuse and repurpose dies from a different facility.

For example, a shortage of dies at the Denver facility may result in some dies from the San Francisco mint being used to strike coins at Denver.

The mint may attempt to scrap off the S mint mark in order to stamp a D mint mark but often, the underlying S mint mark doesn’t completely disappear. So when the dies with the new D mint mark are used, the result is a secondary mint mark at the bottom and a larger, overlapping mint mark at the top.

A 2018-P half dollar graded MS66 with an over mint mark error was sold for $90 at a 2022 Heritage Auctions sale.



Collecting Kennedy half dollars is a smart idea, more so if you specialize in error coins. Halves are very popular among collectors; key dates and key errors often attract a premium. We must admit though—there aren’t as many errors in this series so spotting one that’s worth good money takes time and dedication. Eventually, you will discover high-value Kennedy half dollar errors. Hopefully, our 2018 half dollar errors list is a step in the right direction for any collector looking to elevate their collection with rare and valuable Kennedy half dollars

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